March 26th, 2009

Angus & Julia Stone // House Of Blues – 3/25/09

Here are some photos that were taken from last night’s Angus and Julia Stone show at the House of Blues in Hollywood. The brother-sister duo from Sydney, Australia played a 45 minute set that included “The Beast”, “Mango Tree” and “Just Boy” from their debut album A Book Like This. If you missed the show, they will be back in town on April 23rd headlining the Troubadour. I definitely recommend checking these guys out.

Angus & Julia  Stone // House Of Blues   3/25/09

Angus & Julia  Stone // House Of Blues   3/25/09

Angus & Julia  Stone // House Of Blues   3/25/09

Angus & Julia  Stone // House Of Blues   3/25/09

Angus & Julia Stone
Live In Session On KCRW
March 9th, 2009

Silver Coin
Private Lawns
Mango Tree
The Beast
Just a Boy
Here We Go Again

Angus & Julia Stone – A Book Like This (iTunes)
Angus & Julia Stone – Hollywood – EP (iTunes)

March 21st, 2009

Rollo & Grady // SXSW Photos – March 20th, 2009

Rollo & Grady // SXSW Photos   March 20th, 2009
Joey Siara of The Henry Clay People (Photo – Rollo & Grady)

Rollo & Grady // SXSW Photos   March 20th, 2009
Joey Siara of The Henry Clay People (Photo – Rollo & Grady)

Rollo & Grady // SXSW Photos   March 20th, 2009
Justin Ringle of Horse Feathers (Photo – Rollo & Grady)

MP3: Bishop Allen – Rain
MP3: The Henry Clay People – Rock and Roll Has Lost Its Teeth
MP3: White Denim – Paint Silver Gold
MP3: Horse Feathers – Working Poor
MP3: Those Darlins – Red Light Zone (The Daytrotter Sessions)

March 20th, 2009

Rollo & Grady Interview // David Hyman of MOG

Rollo & Grady Interview // David Hyman of MOG

David Hyman
is the CEO and founder of MOG, one of the first online communities created for music lovers. A digital media pioneer, he started the very first music website and sold one of the first ads to ever appear on the Internet.

David served as CEO, Executive VP and Chief Strategy Officer at Gracenote. And as SVP-Marketing at MTV Interactive, he oversaw all marketing activities for and David came to MTV through its acquisition of SonicNet, where he had been SVP, Sales & Marketing.

Before SonicNet, David co-founded Addicted To Noise, the first online music website. He negotiated the merger between Addicted To Noise and SonicNet, creating the largest online music website at the time.

I recently chatted with David about his amazing career and the future of online music communities.

Rollo & Grady Interview // David Hyman of MOG

R&G: You’re an online pioneer having worked with Hotwired, Addicted to Noise, SonicNet and Gracenote. Tell me a little bit more about your background.

David: Sure. It’s been a long, wild ride. Prior to Hotwired, I was living in Europe for about five years. I was in the audio equipment industry, working for a company that distributed American audio equipment in Europe. While I was living in Amsterdam, I stumbled across a magazine called Mondo 2000, which was the predecessor to Wired. Mondo was a publication created by a guy named R. U. Sirius, which really focused on virtual reality and smart drugs. That magazine totally changed my life.

R&G: This was in the early ‘90s?

David: Yeah, ’91 or ’92. People who were into Mondo kept every issue. It was such an amazing magazine. That’s what got Louis Rossetto to create Wired. He was obsessed with Mondo, and I think his concept was to create something a little more commercial and less esoteric. Towards ’92, ’93, they started talking about Telnet and the World Wide Web. That got my interest peaked. I had moved to Sweden and was able to connect to the Internet kind of pre-Mosaic through Uppsala University, so I got a taste very early on. I quit my job in Europe and moved to San Francisco with the concept of starting a CD-Rom game company. I was at Mac World, sourcing the equipment that I was going to buy to author my own CD-ROMs, and Wired magazine had a booth where they were giving out free copies. I met a bunch of people there who told me they were thinking of starting a website that was ad-supported. I was like, “That’s definitely the future. I’ve been thinking about that for a while.” So, I really hounded them. I remember handwriting a letter and delivering it, just really wanting to be a part of that team. All of a sudden I got a call: “Hey, your whole background is sales. Would you like to be a part of the sales team on the Internet?”

R&G: This was around ’94?

David: Yeah. I was with Organic and Rick Boyce, up in Organic’s offices the moment the banner was created, when they were sketching it out, that became the standard IAB banner size. We were like, “What are people going to care about? I guess they’re going to care about the impressions and the click-through rate.” We came up with all these stats. That was a really exciting time.

R&G: Did you come up with the term “click-through” and the 468 x 60 banner size?

David: No. It was a group effort. I won’t take all the credit.

R&G: Is it true that you sold one of the first online ads ever?

David: Yeah. Rick Boyce sold the first two, Café Pacific and Zima, and then I sold Virtual Vineyards.
Rollo & Grady Interview // David Hyman of MOG

March 4th, 2009

Rollo & Grady Interview // Terry McBride

Rollo & Grady Interview // Terry McBride

Terry McBride is the CEO and Founder of the Canadian music label and band management firm Nettwerk Music Group. Founded in his apartment in 1984, Nettwerk currently has offices in Vancouver, New York, Los Angeles, Boston, Nashville, Hamburg and London. The growth and success of the company is attributed to McBride, one of the brightest visionaries in the music business today.

In 2002, McBride saw the rapid changes taking place in the industry and decided to get out of the physical delivery side of the music business. At that time, he said, “The future of music isn’t selling records. It’s selling music in every form imaginable.” As a result, he shifted the company’s focus to the Internet and digital distribution in order to market his clients’ music. Those changes have paid off. While other labels are now struggling to move into the digital space, Nettwerk is steadily growing its revenues, with digital comprising 80% of the company’s income.

Rollo & Grady Interview // Terry McBride

R&G: What made you decide to focus your business on digital products versus physical ones in 2002?

Terry: It was an intuitive thing for me. Obviously, digital had been seeping into our world for about three years and the Napster effect was apparent. Being a small company and working directly with artists, we could really hear and see what was starting to happen. It was a realization that fighting it wouldn’t work; understanding it and being able to grow it was what was going to work. It was a psychological shift for us. It took a few years to get the rest of the company and analysts focused towards that, but that was the psychological shift for me, which means that the company shifts.

R&G: About 80% of your business is from digital sales now, right?

Terry: Yes, that’s correct.

Why did you drop DRM in 2003?

Terry: I didn’t see any purpose in locking down files; it made no sense to me. People have always been sharing music. Why would I want to stop them? Why would I want to tell them what to do? The way to win was to get them to support my artists, not to force them to do it a certain way. I know I wouldn’t like anyone telling me that.

R&G: You recently spoke about cloud-based servers, mobile applications and smartphones being the future of the music business.

Terry: What’s happened in the last ten years is kind of moot. The next 18 months will determine the future of the music business. It’s a situation where the turnover on phones by the average consumer – now I’m being generous here – is every two years. It’s probably shorter. The smartphones that are starting to dominate the marketplace are specific platforms now open to applications that are being developed outside of the R&D departments of all of the various carriers. Apple, when they opened up their App Store, I think they sold, what, 150 million apps in maybe 9 months. It stunned the world, and Apple is a small player. They might be a noisy player, but they’re a small player within the mobile space. Research In Motion launches their store this month, Nokia is launching Ovi in April and Google has already launched their Android site. You’re going to see millions of applications come onto the marketplace. You’re going to see social filtering of the really good ones, and what’s going to be in there are applications that change the behavioral habits of how you consume music. The need to download music will no longer exist. If anything, it will be a hassle. You’ll have smartphones that can probably handle two to three hundred songs. That’s a gradual download; you’re actually not streaming it. It’s actually on your phone but it’s pulled from some sort of server, whether it’s your own server or a cloud server. To make all of these applications work, you have to have really good metadata, which means that business has to focus its efforts on really good metadata. Rich metadata is going to work with all of these applications. You’re going to see digital maids, digital valets. You’re going to see applications for maybe five bucks a month where you can access all the music that you want, how you want it, when you want it, imported to any device. So why would you want to download? Why would you want to go online to try to find it for free? Besides, something you find free might not work with these smartphone apps. Five bucks is no big deal to have unlimited access. That’s where everything’s going. All of the current arguments and debates are moot. I would even say that the ticker has now started on when the iPod goes away. I think Apple saw that.

R&G: So their primary focus will be to promote the iPhone?

Terry: They’ve been pushing the iPhone more than anything, and when they opened up their App Store, their intuitions were proven right. It is the App Store that has driven iPhone sales.
Rollo & Grady Interview // Terry McBride